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9 Phone Etiquette Tips to Keep You Dialed-In for Success!
Proper phone etiquette may seem like common sense, but in today’s digital age, communication skills seem to get lost in translation. Keep these phone etiquette tips in mind …

7 Tips for Promo Talent: How to Write a Better Event Recap Report
As a brand ambassador, your post event recap is critical. Following these tips will ensure that your event recaps are both accurate, useful, and actionable for the clients who need them.

The 5 Elements of Unique Booth Branding
How do you make your trade show booth stand out? And by this, I don’t just mean visually, but in a substantive way that tells people your brand is worth their time and business?

Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion
We’d like to take a moment to remind our talent and clients about our commitment to diversity and equality.

5 Things Your Trade Show Booth & Website Have in Common
While digital and experiential marketing may seem to live in different worlds, the basic principles they embody aren’t so far apart …

What Does a Brand Ambassador Need to Know?
Once you’ve made the decision to hire a professional brand ambassador (BA) for your live event, how can you be sure to get the best return on your investment?

Wine Sampling Events Create a Powerful Connection
Sampling events coupled with professional talent can help wine producers stand out from the crowd.

Case Study: Regal Lager at Gearapalooza 2019
Learn how baby and children’s products distributor Regal Lager improved their experiential marketing game with professional ALI talent.

How to Keep Attendees at Your Booth
What can you do to keep people at your booth long enough to ensure that your brand makes a lasting impression on them?

Happy 4th of July from Adelante Live
We’d like to take a moment to wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday!

5 Ways to Activate Your Brand with Experiential Marketing
In the world of experiential marketing, capturing a customer’s attention is only half the battle. Inspiring them to act is the tricky part.

6 Reasons Why Startups Should Use Experiential Marketing
Startups and small businesses have much to gain from adding XM to their overall marketing strategy.